Monday, February 7, 2011

Freedom And Responsibility : A Simultaneous Convention

The dichotomy of freedom of expression and simultaneous oversight provisions establishes the parameters for both individual and nation state surveillance that are intended to secure and provide an environment of debate that will occur within certain degrees of mutual respect.

There are, in fact, many options. Power brokers create a mirage of choices; defining "freedom" and "duty to the state" with specific preferential metaphors.

Know ye thine own mind - and, be true unto it. Learn about "allodial title" and "eminent domain"; seek out natural justice; and, be aware of Gladio's practices in conjunction with Echelon. Search out the definitions of words such as (1) jus solis and, jus sanguinis. Keep an open mind. And, embrace the fundamental and just standing that Terra Nullius is an archaic premise; long overdue for a more universal and civil Gus Wen Tah : Peace  Trust   Friendship.